Most people in the trademark industry know these names and their damage caused by the legal applicants, deceived tens of thousands of dollars or hijacked their identities to submit fraud to competitors in unfavorable status. Beginning on August 6, 2022, the US Patent Trademark Office has adopted important and necessary steps to require all trademark applicants to verify their identity as one of the main reasons for their immoral business operations as a condition for submitting the e -trademark form. The plan includes paper and automatic identification verification options. It is the key to the comprehensive strategy of our protection of trademark customers and trademark registration integrity.
Our identity verification plan was originally a voluntary choice. Starting in January 2022, it aims to better serve our legal customer and help prevent bad actors from violating violations Our USPTO practice rules and website use terms. Since 2016, we have found that the number of fraud trademark applications has increased significantly, and the number of foreign scammers from China, Pakistan and other places outside the United States has increased significantly. It is necessary to obtain and maintain registration, and false or hijacked American lawyer certificate. In fact, in the past seven months, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Agency sanctions on bad behaviors of nearly 20,000 invalid applications. \u0026 nbsp;
During the voluntary period, we received the feedback and suggestions on how to improve our automatic verification process from the stakeholders. We heard our opinions and updated our original procedures to provide more options and functions for trademark applicants -including online and written forms. These options include an online program. After verifying the customer identity by the self -portrait and the ID card (1: 1) issued by the government, the selfie will automatically delete from the system after 24 hours. In addition, if the customer does not want to use automatic 1: 1 face matching options, they can verify their identity through short video interviews with online representatives. The video will be deleted within thirty days after the interview. We will continue to provide paper processes for verification.
We believe in the choice of customers and the tools of fairness and security. We are glad that more than 58,000 trademark applicants have chosen to verify their identity through this program. We will continue to listen to all the opinions that believe in reserving effective and security trademarks and want to cooperate with us to protect our trademark communities and learn from them. In addition, we will soon issue a federal bulletin notice to provide more clarity and context of the user role required to verify the identity of the applicant, and help maintain the seamless verification process. We welcome the stakeholders to visit our
authentication plan page \u0026 nbsp;To understand more information about our plan.
It is our honor to serve our country's trademark community, and we will not take it lightly.As we continue to develop our registration protection plan to solve the problem, we will continue to do our best to stop those who want to deceive our customers.This includes the release of sanctions and listed on our website.We also through our trademark basic training camp series and the new trademark registration tool package and other plans to provide our processes and resourcesMore information to support our trademark customers and customers who seek to protect their brands.Of course, work for American business owners every day.