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Amazon seller product pages cannot be ignored: Amazon mobile seller page optimization

发布日期:2022-08-26  浏览次数:   信息来源:小编
Not only in China, but also a lot of users in foreign countries like mobile shopping. Wish is developed by a mobile phone shopping app. More and more users have obtained more and more through the mobile app app. A good user experience, and there are still many attributions to the continuous improvement of Amazon mobile shopping ratio through mobile browsers. With the continuous update of mobile phones, mobile shopping convenience has far exceeded computer shopping. Amazon Amazon The product page has also made some adaptation. This is the mainstream trend of foreign countries. Basically, you don't need to pay much attention to the optimization of the mobile phone, because this is automatically matched. At present, foreign technology can be done, but if you can change more Considering the mobile shopping experience, it is also a good extra points. For Amazon sellers who need to be optimized to the extreme, this is an essential link.

On the PC browser, there will be more information displayed on the page; and in the Amazon APP, users can not see any content on the first page, and they must be dropped to pull out to pull it out to be able to pull down to pull it out to be able to pull down. Find more information. Mobile users can see the title, the number of comments, pictures and prices at first glance. They have to pull down the Buy Box (gold shopping cart) to view product descriptions, functions or other content.

Amazon's aimed to improve the mobile shopping experience and make the shopping process as simple as possible.

Reduce errors and improve the readability of the mobile terminal

Keywords are still the main factor of search engine optimization and ranking, So you may want to use multiple keywords, but stacking keywords are not wise. Even though it may be a small problem for the PC shoppers, the problem on the mobile terminal may be amplified. This is because the screen screen is small and you need to roll all the information.

Therefore, it is more detailed to optimize Amazon products for mobile devices. You need to integrate the core keywords and popular search keywords when using simple copywriting.

Use typesetting allows mobile users to quickly browse

As you saw it before, mobile phone users must drop the gold shopping cart before viewing other product information. Sometimes users still need to still need Click on each part.

The good news is that if the user pays additional efforts to understand your product, then

They are likely to buy. They will want to see the content that is easy to browse, andThe long paragraph and sentences filled with keywords will only allow users to encounter obstacles during reading.

Simplified product listing

In order to improve the browsing nature of listing, the first thing you should do is avoid errors. And focus on using short sentences or short paragraphs.

In the functional part, the seller should show the buyer's main product advantage. In addition, it is necessary to explain why buyers should choose your product instead of other people's products.

For product descriptions, do not waste space through the same thing in repeated functions. On the contrary, write a narrative description, tell your brand story, and show how users use your product. Highlighting the different factors that make your products be different and how it will enrich the lives of users.

Use the A+page or graphic version of the brand description to optimize the mobile experience

The graphic version of the brand description And Amazon A + page (A + Content) allows you to provide consumers with a better brand experience and allow you to stand out from other sellers.

The graphic version of the brand description is suitable for brand sellers who have picked up the Amazon brand. The graphic version of the brand description allows the seller to further modify its product description field, and use pictures and text to create a rich brand description page.